Vijayashanti : కాళేశ్వరం ప్రాజెక్ట్‌తో ప్ర‌జ‌ల కంటే కేసీఆర్ కుటుంబానికే ఎక్కువ లాభం


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Vijayashanti : KCR family benefited more from Kaleswaram project than people

BJP Women Leader Vijayashanti Criticized TRS Government

It is known that the opposition has already made allegations of corruption in the Kaleswaram project, which was built with great ambition by the TRS government in Telangana. But recently once again BJP leader Vijayashanthi criticized the Kaleswaram project by referring to the Supreme Court order on Twitter. Recently, she said that Kaleswaram project is a cure for all diseases and accused KCR of playing political games. Vijayashanthi said that the Supreme Court has recently given a huge shock and ordered the state government to follow the status quo in the third TMC works related to the Kaleshwaram project. Vijayashanthi disclosed that it was clarified that the work should be stopped till further orders, aside from land acquisition, the court mentioned that the project did not have environmental clearances. Vijayashanti said that land acquisition transactions will be recorded comprehensively and the High Court should decide the legality of land acquisition.

Vijayashanti said that the Supreme Court has ordered the state government to file an affidavit in this regard by August 16. Vijayashanthi criticized that through the Kaleswaram project, KCR’s family benefited more than the people. She accused KCR of withdrawing thousands of crores by redesigning the Kaleswaram project even though there was no need for commissions. At least for that project… it is understood that there is no environment clearances, Kaleswaram pumps have already been completely submerged due to Godavari floods… Vijayashanthi satires that this is not a Kaleswaram project but a project of commissions. She commented that KCR… no matter how many days you hide… people will not know about your corruption. Vijayashanti said that Telangana society will soon teach you and your party a proper lesson.



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