A tragic incident has come to light in America. Forty-six bodies were found in a truck on a road in San Antonio, Texas. Another 16 people survived and were taken to hospital, officials said. Authorities believe those in the truck may have crossed the U.S. border illegally from Mexico. However, it is suspected that those in the truck may have died as the temperatures continued to rise. According to local media reports, the truck was spotted next to a railroad track in a remote area on the southern outskirts of the city of San Antonio.
Police have issued a high alert following the latest incident. An investigation is underway into how the occupants of the truck died. Temperatures in San Antonio recently rose to 103 degrees Fahrenheit due to high humidity. But many feel that these temperatures are unlikely to kill many at once. It is suspected that all the heroes from South Texas in America were killed while trying to emigrate. The government has also ordered an inquiry into the incident in which bodies were found in a truck. In total the presence of 46 bodies in the truck has become an elusive mystery to the authorities.
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