Vladimir Putin: పుతిన్ కు తీవ్ర అనారోగ్యం.. వైద్యుల అత్యవసర చికిత్స

[ad_1] Published Date – 01:07 PM, Wed – 27 July 22 Russian President is seriously ill: There are reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin is seriously ill. Russian Telegram channel General SVR said that Putin suffered from severe vomiting in the early hours of last Saturday. The news broke that Putin’s emergency medical team rushed … Read more

Putin: మరోసారి తండ్రి కాబోతున్న రష్యా అధ్యక్షుడు.. 30 ఏళ్లు చిన్నదైన ప్రేయసితో..

[ad_1] Published Date – 11:12 AM, Mon – 11 July 22 The news that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is one of the top leaders of the world, is going to become a father once again is doing rounds all over the world. Putin, 69, is having a secret relationship with Alina Kubeva, 39, who … Read more

Boris Johnson: ‘పుతిన్ మహిళ అయి ఉంటే’.. బ్రిటన్ ప్రధాని ఆసక్తికర వ్యాఖ్యలు

[ad_1] Published Date – 07:43 PM, Wed – 29 June 22 The world is outraged at Russia, which is waging a fierce war by raining missiles on Ukraine. Many countries are still trying to stop this war. But Russia is not backing Sasemira. Western nations are trying to tighten Putin’s sanctions by imposing sanctions on … Read more

Kim ZOng un: రష్యా అధ్యక్షుడు పుతిన్‌కు కిమ్ పూర్తి మద్దతు

[ad_1] Published Date – 11:36 AM, Mon – 13 June 22 Despite international condemnation of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday announced his full support for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency quoted Kim Oo as saying, “The Russian people have made great strides … Read more