Kim Jong Un: అగ్రదేశం అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియాలకు కిమ్ అణు బెదిరింపులు!

[ad_1] Published Date: July 28, 2022 Kim Jong Un: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who is always in the news for his comments about war, has once again made sensational comments. Once again, he spoke to America in a way that would make Kaiya’s foot rub. Looking at Kim’s latest comments, there is a … Read more

North Korea: గ్రహాంతరవాసుల వల్లే కరోనా వ్యాప్తి.. కిమ్ షాకింగ్ కామెంట్స్

[ad_1] Updated On – 05:59 PM, Sun – 3 July 22 North Korean President Kim is once again in the news with his strange statements. Sensational comments were made that corona is spreading because of aliens. It is said that the first corona case in North Korea was also caused by aliens. Shocking comments have … Read more