Kim Jong Un: అగ్రదేశం అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియాలకు కిమ్ అణు బెదిరింపులు!

[ad_1] Published Date: July 28, 2022 Kim Jong Un: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who is always in the news for his comments about war, has once again made sensational comments. Once again, he spoke to America in a way that would make Kaiya’s foot rub. Looking at Kim’s latest comments, there is a … Read more

North Korea: గ్రహాంతరవాసుల వల్లే కరోనా వ్యాప్తి.. కిమ్ షాకింగ్ కామెంట్స్

[ad_1] Updated On – 05:59 PM, Sun – 3 July 22 North Korean President Kim is once again in the news with his strange statements. Sensational comments were made that corona is spreading because of aliens. It is said that the first corona case in North Korea was also caused by aliens. Shocking comments have … Read more

Kim ZOng un: రష్యా అధ్యక్షుడు పుతిన్‌కు కిమ్ పూర్తి మద్దతు

[ad_1] Published Date – 11:36 AM, Mon – 13 June 22 Despite international condemnation of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sunday announced his full support for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency quoted Kim Oo as saying, “The Russian people have made great strides … Read more

North Korea: తగ్గేదే లే అంటున్న ఉత్తర కొరియా.. 35 నిమిషాల్లో 8 క్షిపణి పరీక్షలు

[ad_1] Published Date – 03:43 PM, Sun – 5 June 22 North Korean President Kim is no less. Despite repeated US warnings, North Korea continues to test ballistic missiles. It recently conducted 8 short-range ballistic missile tests over a 35-minute period in the Sunan area near the capital, Pyongyang. Officials say this is the first … Read more

North korea: కిమ్ రాజ్యంలో కరోనా ప్రకంపనలు… 42కు చేరిన మరణాలు

[ad_1] Published Date – 11:09 AM, Sun – 15 May 22 North Korea is a secret country. What is happening in the world The people of North Korea know very little about what is happening in North Korea. There Kim Jong Un says the Vedas, the law does. Strange Rules, North Korea is a country … Read more

North Korea: నార్త్ కొరియాలో కరోనా విలయతాండవం… 21 మంది మృతి

[ad_1] Updated On – 11:10 AM, Sat – 14 May 22 Born in China, Corona is trading the world. Already all countries around the world have been hit hard by this epidemic mystery. In terms of health, many countries have collapsed economically. Meanwhile, the corona is constantly changing its appearance. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Delta Plus, … Read more

Covid 19: ఉత్తర కొరియాలో తొలి కరోనా మరణం.. వేగం పుంజుకున్న కరోనా

[ad_1] Published Date – 12:05 PM, Fri – 13 May 22 North Korea is a country of mystery. Not a single corona case has come to light in that country at a time when the corona is booming around the world. In fact the Kim government has gone so far as to say that not … Read more