Unlike the parties that consider BCs as otobanks, in 2019, CM Jagan set a new tradition by giving more posts to BCs. Sajjala said that apart from giving handouts to the poor, CM Jagan was also part of the regime. YCP has been laying a big platform for BCs, SCs, APs and minorities from the very beginning. In the first cabinet, 14 members were from BC, SC, ST and minorities. Increased self-esteem in BCs. This time 70 per cent of the 25 people are from the poorer and weaker sections. Chandrababu’s party went bankrupt. TDP is looking to cash in on small fluctuations. During Chandrababu’s reign, only 48 per cent of the poor and weaker sections were present. So far it has increased from three women to four this time.
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