Former Minister Kodali Nani participated in our government program for Gadapa Gadapa in Palnadu districts. On this occasion, he made sensational remarks on Chandrababu and Pawan Kalyan. Kodali Nani alleged that the Konaseema incident was very unfortunate. Kodali Nani came under fire, especially against Pawan Kalyan. He was criticized for provoking children in Amalapuram and spending his time in a pub. Pawan Kalyan is saying that he did not maintain peace. Kodali Nani is of the opinion that the situation would have been brought under control if the firing had taken place in Amalapuram. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat the baby.
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Former minister Kodali Nani recalled that Pawan Kalyan had also supported Chandrababu’s demand for naming Konaseema districts after Ambedkar. But he alleged that the TDP and Janasena parties had opened up to clashes in Konaseema as per their strategy. Kodali Nani was angry that the YCP minister had attacked the families of the MLAs and set fire to their houses. Opposition parties have stated they will not run in the by-elections. Eddewa said that the credit for grabbing his uncle’s seat and causing his death belongs only to Chandrababu. The whole world looks green to the jaundice user .. Chandrababu was criticized for being bold in cheating. Kodali Nani expressed anger that Pawan Kalyan has taken a degree in telling lies. Chandrababu is said to be misleading the people for power.
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