MP GVL Narasimha Rao said that Modi and Amit Shah will come to Hyderabad for the meetings of the National Working Committee of the Bharatiya Janata Party. BJP MP GVL Narasimha Rao visited Arasavalli Suryanarayana Swamy He said that Modi will visit Bhimavaram of West Godavari district on the fourth day and unveil the statue of Alluri Sitaramaraj. GVL said that Modi’s visits show how much BJP gives priority to Telugu states. Special attention has been given to Telugu states. He said that steps are being taken to ensure that BJP is strong in every polling booth.
Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakha are the most backward districts. GVL criticized that despite the existence of natural resources and water resources, the areas remained backward due to the negligence of the state governments. Farmers and fishermen are migrating due to lack of proper development. Only after our struggle like Jala Diksha did the government focus on genealogy. He said that we will work hard to get help from the central government in all ways.
Agnipath scheme is not a government decision ..military forces have taken the decision. He said that through Agnipath, it will be possible to fill the youth in the military strength of the country. GVL said that thousands of people will be recruited through Agnipath. It is known that huge number of applications are coming for this scheme.
Naresh: To Pavithra Lokesh, the relationship between me is the same ..!
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