![Guntur Taxes: Errors in the website .. Difficulties in paying taxes](https://d3g493rs80j28.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/gnt.jpg)
The series of taxes in the Guntur Municipal Corporation continues unabated. Authorities are levying house taxes on vacant lots and vacant space taxes on homes because websites are not working with online errors. People are especially troubled by CDMA website errors. No matter the technology available, people are not going to be swayed by the fact that the officials who are supposed to correct the errors are pretending to be unregistered.
People are getting into a lot of trouble as the house tax assessment website under Guntur Corporation is not working. A website that mutates a home tax from a vacant space online has not been working for the past seven months. People are getting into trouble as well as losses as some other websites related to the revenue department of the corporation are not working. Authorities have been accused of deliberately shutting down online services to generate revenue.
Homeowners who have been buying plots from builders who are building residential houses and apartment complexes in Guntur city especially in remote areas have been facing severe difficulties due to non-availability of online service to switch from vacant land to house tax since October last year. Fry. The building plan is then approved by the town planning authorities. The house tax comes into effect after the construction of the house is completed.
One hundred yards of vacant land for six months is usually taxed at 0.25 per cent of the value of about ten lakhs, depending on the document value of the house. 2500 tax for six months. If the house tax is levied on the same hundred yards of land, the tax will be less than one thousand rupees for six months. But now vacant lots are being taxed as they were in the past for buildings constructed in outlying areas like Gorantla, Pedapalakuru and Inner Ring Road under the Guntur Corporation. People say that they pay taxes when planning to build buildings and now they are paying taxes even if the buildings are built.
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There are thousands of people in the Guntur Corporation who are paying this extra tax. Each month the corporation receives hundreds of applications for vacancies from house tax to house tax conversion. Applicants for this type of conversion have been waiting since last October when online services became unavailable. If the house is taxed, the house will get services like water tap, door number as well as mapping in the secretariat. In a nutshell with the current conversion site shutdown means that people living in homes and apartment complexes will be left as landless landowners. The reason for this remains an unanswered question unless we get the answer to what we should do if the online sites requested by the applicants to stop the authorities on this matter are stopped.
But did state-level officials shut down the site to boost corporate revenue, or was the authority in a position to fix a website’s technical error for six months? Suspicions are being expressed among the people. It is the responsibility of the online service provider to answer these questions.
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