As part of the Azadi Ka Amrit celebrations, the central government is preparing to entertain cricket fans. The central government has sent proposals to the BCCI to organize the match with famous foreign players as one team and top Indian players as another team. The central government has suggested that the match between India XI and World XI be held on August 22. To this extent, the officials of the Central Department of Culture revealed that they are in consultation with the BCCI regarding the organization of the match.
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But the BCCI officials say that there will be a lot of trouble to organize a match with international players. He made it clear that he will have to talk to the ICC about the organization of this match after looking at the international cricket schedule. He said that the Centre’s proposal is still being discussed. He reminded that the English domestic cricket and the Caribbean Premier League will be held at the time when the center wants to organize this match. But Indian players will be available for this match. If it is possible to hold this match, it is likely to be held at the Feroz Shah Kotla ground in Delhi.
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