All sections of the Samajwadi Party were dissolved on Sunday. The Samajwadi Party faced heavy defeats in the last assembly elections and recently in the by-elections for Rampur and Azamgarh Lok Sabha seats. In this context, the leadership of the Samajwadi Party was deeply disappointed by these results. The party leader Akhilesh Yadav took a sensational decision. All posts in the Samajwadi Party were cancelled. It has been announced that all national, state, district level, youth and women’s divisions will be cancelled. This decision will come into effect immediately. To this extent, the party revealed on Twitter.
The party did not disclose the reasons for this massive purge. But analysts believe that these steps have been taken to prepare for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. It is believed that the party is being purged after suffering a heavy defeat in the by-elections to Azamgarh and Rampur Lok Sabha seats. However, apart from the post of National President, another post has been kept. Sources of the Samajwadi Party said that the state president of the Samajwadi Party, Naresh Uttam, is continuing. A senior SP leader revealed that the party is being purged so that it can be ready for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
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BJP candidate Dinesh Lal Yadav won from Azamgarh Lok Sabha constituency in the recently held by-election. Samajwadi Party candidate Dharmendra Yadav, a relative of Akhilesh Yadav, lost in this seat by a margin of 8,679 votes. Earlier Akhilesh Yadav used to represent Lok Sabha from this constituency. He resigned from the post of MP after he was elected as MLA. This necessitated a by-election. Senior Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan was also elected as an MLA and the by-election was held after he resigned from the post of Rampur MP. The party’s candidate Asim Raza was defeated in this election. BJP candidate Ghanshyam Lodhi won with a lead of 42,192 votes over him.
Hats off to the courage of villagers of Tuksan, in #Reasi district. Two #terrorists of LeT apprehended by villagers with weapons; 2AK #rifles7 #Grenades and a #Pistol. DGP announces #reward of Rs 2 lakhs for villagers. pic.twitter.com/iPXcmHtV5P
— ADGP Jammu (@igpjmu) July 3, 2022
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